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     /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\__\         /\  \    
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  /::\~\:\  \   /::\~\:\__\   /:/  \:\  \   /:/  /  ___       /::\  \ 
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      /:/  /     \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /     \/__/      
     /:/  /       \::/__/       \::/  /       \::/  /                 
     \/__/         ~~            \/__/         \/__/                  


Hey, I am Konstantinos Mourelas (you can call me moure)! The last twenty years at one point or the other I’ve wanted to become an electrical engineer, a photographer, a 3d artist, a game developer, a tech artist and all between 😀 Until recently I was a co-owner and tech art director of the indie game studio eNVy softworks, based in Patras, Greece. Between our commissions we recently released our first game on steam called Basements n’ Basilisks.

In my free time i like coding small game engines, finding new ways to break the Unity render pipelines (not that hard), playing video games, watching tv shows, helping new game devs and 3d artists on online communities and reading the latest fantasy/sci-fi novels. I should really find some hobbies to get me out of the house more.. nah let’s just start a podcast 😊


Nowadays you can find me hanging around in the Kiwinauts 3d art community and Greek game dev association discord servers.

As far as social media goes, I have a mastodon account that I intend to use more from now on.

Feel also free to send me an email over at mourelask@gmail.com


Technical/Art Director

eNVy softworks, Patras, Greece, August 2018 - January 2024

As a co-owner of the award winning indie studio eNVy softworks, I have been wearing both the hat of Art and Technical Director depending on the project. In one way or the other I have been part of:

Lead VR Developer

Realiscape, Patras, Greece, October 2016 - May 2018

Lead Developer

HYPERCO, Ioannina, Greece, July 2013 - December 2015

Senior 3d Visualisation Artist

TigerX, Cornwall, UK, June 2012 - January 2013

3d Generalist

Freelance, Patras, Greece, March 2010 - May 2016

Junior 2d Artist - Photographer

Freelance, Patras, Greece, December 2005 - September 2008


Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Patras, September 2003


Basements ‘n’ Basilisks

eNVy softworks, Video Game Released, Win/Mac/Linux/SteamDeck, 2023

Available on Steam and GOG

Dimday Red

eNVy softworks, Video Game Gamescom Demo, Win/Mac/Linux, 2022

Dimday Red

Dimday Red

Custom world space ui system with many custom elements

Dimday Red

Cinemachine awesomeness

Dimday Red

Background parallax and shader based card parallax effects

Dimday Red

Interactive map

Respace Twin

eNVy softworks, Augmented Reality, IOS/Android, 2018-2022

Early demo of the application
Octree partitioning system that loads/unloads parts of the building from cloud

Game prototypes, personal projects and game jams

Personal project, stylized urp based rendering pipeline with multiple render target rendering and custom edge detection effects, 2023

Tactical game prototype

Stylized urp based rendering pipeline for tactical game prototype, 2020

BnB prototype

Testing out background styles for "Basements 'n' Basilisks", 2021


Game jam entry for "Technically a game jam", made in custom FNA based engine, 2022

RiseVR first

Art direction and tech art for RiseVR prototype, 2019

Rootkit Damocles

UI design and implementation for assymetric coop prototype Rootkit Damocles, 2018
An earlier version of RiseVR prototype, 2018


Global game jam entries here, 2016-...

Rootkit Damocles

My entry for hearthstone ipad competition, 2014


Personal artwork featured on Itoo software's website, 2013

Ghost Writer dope award

Dope award for the arch vis project "Ghost Writer", 2012